Sunday, October 10, 2010

Raw Halvah Balls

Everyone needs to have a few easy raw cookie recipes they can whip up in 10 minutes when your stomach is being a loudmouth...this is one I made up last night. I called them Halvah balls because the flavor reminded me of the halvah I used to eat sometimes before I left behind processed sugar...though these are not as sweet, and have more good stuff in them.

I thought I would look up Halvah before writing this to make sure I knew the country of origin etc - and according to the infallible Wikipedia there are many many countries worldwide that have Halvah as a staple dish - who knew? In many, you eat it for breakfast! Good thing I just ate one of these babies with my coffee...

These will be raw IF you use raw ingredients. Tahini is often made from roasted, not raw, seeds...but you can get raw if you try. Likewise you can choose between roasted and raw sunflower seeds, and toasted or raw coconut. If it doesn't matter to you, it doesn't matter to me. However, your body will absorb more nutrients and enzymes from raw ingredients so if you have raw on hand, use it!

Ingredients: Okay, yes, I am using mulberries here - an excellent source of vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin K and iron. They are also a good source of dietary fiber, riboflavin, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium as well as the antioxidant resveratrol. Apparently the dried white ones are a relative of what we might call the blackberry. Maybe not something you see on your rounds to Dominion...I did order my mulberries, it's true. Of course this is a highly flexible recipe so if you don't have any you can throw in extra raisins or chopped apricot or something. Figs? Mulberries have a lovely caramel-y flavor though that is great with the vanilla...and, according to my second trip to Wikipedia for the day, the leaves of the plant are the only food source for silkworms!

Vanilla powder: again, this is a specialty thing I ordered. It is great stuff. You should order some too. However if you don't have it I think you could swap in regular vanilla and maybe add a bit more dry stuff to compensate.

Agave: You CAN get this at Dominion! It is made from a cactus, it is very sweet, but not strong in flavor so it blends well with other things (not like maple syrup which tends to assert itself). It is low on the glycemic scale which means it is less likely to spike your blood sugar...if swapping into a 'normal' recipe, keep in mind it is about 1 1/2 times as sweet as sugar so use less!

Tahini = Calcium = Love.

 Halvah Balls

1/2 cup tahini plus more by the spoonful, for stickiness (I added an extra tbsp)
4 tbsp coconut
1/4 cup dried mulberries
1/3 cup raisins
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/4 cup pumpkin seeds
1 tsp vanilla powder
2 tsp agave syrup
pinch salt

Combine all ingredients and mix well. Add more tahini as needed for stickiness. Adjust flavors. Wet your hands to roll the mixture into balls, then roll in a little leftover coconut and chill before serving. Keeps in the fridge well for a week or so. Makes about 12 balls.


  1. Hey Sara,

    Just out of curiosity, have you ever used that organic palm sugar that they sell at Bulk Barn, or is it on your list of foodular no-nos?


  2. Hi Sarah,
    Sorry this is so late - I am just seeing your comment now (gotta figure out some of this blogolicious stuff)

    I haven't used that sugar myself as I try and stay away from all refined sugar (including turbinado, sucanat, and palm sugar - which are all better than the usual type for you )...however if you're not as picky as me I am sure you could sub it in. To my mind, organic sugar is better than the white stuff!
