Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Favorite No-Brain Supper (with Recipe for Spicy Steamed Greens)

I came home from helping out a couple of friends at their family farm, with a giant bag of produce and a few massive squash weighing me down...the perks of helping dig up some potatoes! It was really fun - I have never grown potatoes so didn't really know what to expect. It apparently wasn't a very good year for yield, though I can attest to the yield's tastiness, having boiled a few small ones up last night to sample the varieties. There were beautiful purple skinned ones with very white flesh and the comforting red-skinned ones I am more familiar with.

Potatoes with s + p and butter (raw and organic...couldn't believe I found it at Dominion!), a salad of freshly picked cuke and tomato (yellow cherry ones that taste like candy! - esp. when dehydrated!) and basil leaves - all from from the greenhouse - no dressing, just s + p was all that was needed.

AND my favorite thing to eat of all time: fresh steamed greens with a bit of spice and garlic! I can feel the vitamins entering my body...like Popeye and his spinach! This is the thing to make when you don't have any brain left by dinner time and you want to eat something fast and good for you, and easy! You can even steam the greens right over the potatoes in their cook water if you decide to eat some taties too!

I was especially enjoying this because everything on my plate had been picked that day (except the nuts and seeds and oil of course). The flavors of all the vegetables were absolutely at their peak...

Ah, it's the simple pleasures in life that make it worth it!


(for one person in love with greens, or two, as a smaller side dish)

-1 LARGE handful each of: beet greens, kale and mizuna (or sub in whatever else you have growing...). It should look like way too much greens for one person!
-1 small onion, diced
-olive oil for sauteeing
-1 pinch of cayenne pepper
- 2 tsp chili garlic flax oil (you could use regular flax oil and add a little more cayenne and a clove of garlic in with the onion)
-salt and pepper
-8 or so raw almonds, chopped
-1-2 tbsp raw sesame seeds

Heat olive oil in a small pan on medium heat and sautee onion till golden and softened. Add in garlic in the last part of the cooking process, if using. Add in cayenne pepper to onion halfway through cooking time.

Meanwhile, wash and chop the greens, then steam them, stems and all (unless extremely tough), until bright and tender - this will only take a few minutes. Drain the greens and add to the onion. Take the pan off the heat, then add in flax oil, salt and pepper. Adjust seasoning as needed. Serve topped with seeds and nuts.

Okay, guess what I am having for supper again tonight...!

Important: Don't heat your flax oil, ever! It's fine to toss it with hot food before eating like I did here, though. Also, store it in the fridge, not in a cupboard like most oil - otherwise it can go rancid. Same goes for nuts and seeds too - the oil in them will turn rancid more quickly if left at room temperature.

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