Monday, June 3, 2013

Easy and Instant Sugar-Free, Vegan and Potentially Raw Banana 'Ice Cream', Several Ways!

Raw food people love their banana 'ice cream'. In its most basic form, it consists of the following: frozen bananas, blended for several minutes in a food processor until thick and smooth. This is really good in a very banana-y kind of way. Adding tahini or nut butter makes it creamy like dairy ice cream.

Oh sweet heaven in a bowl! Bananas in the freezer solve all problems! Let them get really ripe, peel them and store in ziplocs in the freezer, and you are good for every ice cream emergency.

Banana Tahini Chocolate 'Ice Cream'

3 very ripe bananas, frozen
3 to 4 tbsp tahini
3 tbsp cacao or cocoa powder
pinch of sea salt
about 8 drops or so of coconut extract - or almond extract or vanilla might be nice

Put the bananas in the food processor and blend really well for several minutes, stopping every so often to scrape down the sides and give the motor a rest. Persist with patience. The bananas will get extremely creamy! Then just add everything else and keep blending for a minute or so til it's like soft serve. Eat it! Or put it in the freezer for 1/2 hour or so to let it firm up a bit...

Keep the leftovers in the freezer and thaw out a few minutes before you want to scoop it.

Banana Blueberry Nut 'Ice Cream'

3 very ripe bananas, frozen
3 tbsp peanut butter, almond butter, or whatever butter (tahini is great!)
1 tbsp vanilla
pinch of salt
a few drops of coconut extract (if you have some - it really cuts a little of the banana-y flavour)
1/2 cup of frozen blueberries

Proceed exactly as with the chocolate version.

You can see how the ratio of bananas to nut butter to other stuff go forth and make 10 000 new ice cream flavours of your own! 

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