Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Flowers in Winter & My Raw Chocolate Birthday Cake

Well, this isn't your usual post from me, which has at its heart some kind of new recipe. Rather, I would say this is a photo-centric post...which is appropriate since I got a new (much smaller and easier to stick in my pocket) camera from my parents and brother for my birthday...which was last Tuesday.

So, here's what I documented today...the snow which descended in a furious bluster today, unseasonally late for NL...

view out my bathroom window...

I was trying to get a shot of the little birds in the dogberry tree.

I think they are grateful for the sunflower seeds!

The snowed-in raised bed garden....

and the flowers I picked out of it. Today. While it was snowing.

Yes, calendula were still growing today, November 30th -after several frosts, and two bouts of snow. Amazing! 

And I thought I would throw in a few portraits of dear Mr. Arlo while I was at it - he's eight and a half and my first cat love.

Look at that face!

AAAAND - because I promised - here's my birthday cake (this was pre-icing so you can see how I made the layers by pressing them into a medjool date container....a handy trick)

And here it is in its avocado-icing glory.The recipe for this is in Ani Phyo's Raw Food Dessert cookbook - the first raw recipe book I ever bought and the one that turned me on to more exploration of this diet...the recipes are all pretty easy, most don't use a dehydrator, and every one I have tried has been DELICIOUS.

I copied this from Amazon - where you can purchase your own copy of this wonderful book...

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