Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tahini-Raisin Almond Pulp Cookies

Here's a cookie recipe I made up today after making a fresh batch of almond milk. Normally I just throw the leftover pulp in the freezer for a while and then when I have a ton of it I make a batch of almond pulp granola, but today I thought I would experiment. That's how I get when there's a snowstorm.

These are simple vegan cookies which taste great with fresh almond milk!

Tahini-Raisin Almond Pulp Cookies

Leftover pulp from making 1 batch of almond milk
8 medjool dates, soaked for a 1/2 hour or more in filtered water
2 tbsp tahini
2 tbsp coconut flour
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
pinch of salt
1-3 tbsp leftover water from soaking your dates
handful of raisins

Combine the almond pulp and dates in a medium-sized mixing bowl and mix well with your fingers to break up the dates as much as possible. Add the tahini, coconut flour, vanilla and salt and 1 tbsp of date-soaking water, and mix with a fork. If it seems too dry to form a dough, add more date water, a tablespoon at a time. If you add too much liquid, add a little bit of extra coconut flour to soak it up.

If you have a food processor on hand, make the whole process easier by just whizzing everything in there. When it is at the right consistency, add in the raisins. Form into balls with your hands and then flatten with a fork onto a cookie tray - should make about 12 cookies.

Bake at 350 for 15-18 minutes until golden and toasty. Enjoy with a cold glass of Almond Milk or perhaps a cup of Reishi Hot Chocolate, while reading a book and listening to the radio, curled up in a blanket, with an optional cat at your feet. Be happy that you are indoors eating cookies while the wind blows the snow around out there in the cold winter's night.

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