Sunday, February 12, 2012

Vegan Mexi-Pizza with Refried Beans, Guac and Queso!

I sometimes go through phases where the animal products in my vegetarian diet become so unappetizing to me that I simply cut them out. Being someone who enjoys preparing and eating vegan food anyway, this isn't a huge deal...but some things still beckon occasionally - cheese, for one.

While searching the interwebs for some kind of new vegan cheese recipe to try, I found this one for queso - and immediately set about making myself a batch. The only thing I changed was to use potato flour rather than corn starch, as I am not supposed to eat corn. The substitution worked very well and the queso is yummy, though next time I will make half a recipe as this is a LOT of cheesy sauce! It was great last night over some mashed sweet potato with coconut oil and salt, a pile of steamed spinach and some refried beans. It also tastes yummy on this mexican-inspired pizza!

Vegan Mexi-Pizza with Refried Beans, Guac and Queso

2 large sprouted grain tortillas (I use Ezekiel brand...but hey, if you can eat standard grains you could use normal tortillas too)

1 can organic black beans
1 small onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 tbsp cumin
pinch cayenne to taste
olive oil

Heat a little olive oil in a small pot on med-low. Saute onion till starting to brown. Add beans, garlic, cumin and salt and mash roughly with a potato masher, adding a little water as needed to create a good consistency. Adjust seasonings as you wish. Serves 2-4.

Guacamole (like you need a recipe!):
1 large ripe avocado
1 ripe tomato, chopped
handful of cilantro leaves, chopped
juice of a lime
2 cloves garlic, minced

Mash avocado and mix with the other ingredients, season to taste.

About 1/2 cup to 1 cup of Queso from Post Punk Kitchen

Preheat oven to 350. Put tortillas on a baking sheet and crisp in the oven. Then spread with a base layer of beans, a layer of guac, and generous dollops of queso. Serves 2.

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