Monday, January 10, 2011

Raw (or nearly raw!) Fig Newtons

Fig Newtons used to be my favorite when I was a girl. There was something very satisfying about the soft (not too sweet) cookie and the seedy filling. Last spring I made up my own version, and it turned out pretty wonderfully! I recreated it a week or so ago in preparation for travel - figuring that these cookies would make good emergency snacking when Allergy Girl can find nothing to eat on planes, and in small communities in the North of Canada.

I was right. I dehydrated the cookies more than I normally would for extra shelf life, and put a bunch in a ziplock bag in my carry-on. They saved my life a few times on the long journey from St. John's, Newfoundland to Dawson City, Yukon...a trip that takes 2 days and sees you crossing the entire country.

I will be in Dawson for the next 3 months, doing a writing residency at the wonderful Berton House. (check out our Dawson City Adventures blog for pics and writing about the trip!)  Food is definitely going to be a large part of this experience - I stuffed my bags with coconut flour, kamut pasta, cacao, chia and hemp seeds and other things I was pretty sure wouldn't be available here. There are some surprising things at the store though - almond milk, for one (twice the price as at home, but a very welcome sight!)

It should be even more adventurous for me to eat here than it normally is...and I will post recipes as they come into being. For now, hopefully you will make and enjoy these Newtons...I think I will have one with my tea this afternoon.

Nearly Raw Fig Newtons

 2 cups of rolled kamut flakes (or oats...but I can't eat those), soaked in water overnight in the fridge..depending on the sort of kamut/oats this may not be entirely raw...
2 tbsp solid coconut oil
2 tsp raw vanilla powder (you could use extract I think - but it's not raw either)
a pinch of salt
4 tbsp sweetener (I used agave, but you could use maple syrup...also...not raw)
1 1/2 cups ground almonds

16 large dried figs, soaked in water from 1 hour to overnight
2 tsp lemon juice
pinch of salt

Blend the dough ingredients in food processor. Spread 2/3 dough mixture on a dehydrator nonstick sheet and pat out with fingers into a 1/4 inch thick rectangular slab. Rinse processor and blend figs, lemon and salt till smooth. Spread this filling on top of the dough slab, using your fingers or a spoon to gently spread it out. Crumble the remaining dough mixture on top and press down lightly. Dehydrate at 115 F overnight. Remove from dehydrator and place a 2nd sheet on top of slab and invert the whole mega-cookie onto the second sheet. Continue to dehydrate upside down for 2 or more hours - until the bottom of the slab is firm but still a little moist. Remove from dehydrator and cut into bar cookie size while still warm. Return to dehydrator and dehydrate more if you want to keep these at room temperature a while (while travelling, perhaps). Makes 40 or so cookies. Highly addictive.

*if you don't have a dehydrator you should still be able to make these - as with all dehydrator recipes, you can simulate the effect by turning your oven on the lowest setting and propping the door open a little....

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