Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Kamut Coconut Porridge and Spicy Ginger Lemon Tea

It's fall. There's no denying it. My outdoor tomato plant, chock-full of green fruit, is perhaps going to get hit with frost before those babies ripen. I am doing what I can, but there's only so much you can do to prolong your garden in the face of Nature's whims in temperature, or non-stop rain, or non-stop wind, or what have you.

I got caught in some cold rain yesterday and am now feeling sick again. So, this morning I made some hearty, warming, immune-system-boosting breakfast. Kamut, buckwheat, and amaranth are the grains/grasses which I can eat. I try not to eat huge amounts of them, but sometimes you need that stick-to-your-ribs porridgey warmth to properly get on with the day.


Kamut Coconut Porridge

1 cup of rolled kamut flakes (you can use oats instead - cooking time may differ)
2 handfuls raisins
1 handful goji berries
1 handful incan berries (goldenberries)
2 handfuls sesame seeds
2 handfuls shredded unsweetened coconut
2 cups of water
1/2 can of coconut milk
dash salt

for toppings: almond/whatever milk, maple syrup or honey or maple flakes, nuts of choice, berries, organic yogurt, etc.

Put all ingredients except coconut milk in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, for about half an hour, stirring occasionally. If the mixture gets too dry, begin adding coconut milk. Once the porridge is about 5-10 minutes from being done, add any remaining coconut milk and continue to simmer till perfectly tender.  Top with your choice of toppings, and enjoy! To reheat your leftovers the next day, refrigerate overnight in the saucepan and in the morning add a little almond/coconut milk and warm on low heat, covered, till hot.

Bowl of porridge pictured above is garnished with a little almond milk, maple syrup and a handful of chopped walnuts.

Serves 4 or so.



I am not sure if this is really tea...but it's hot, it's spicy, it revs up your immune system, and it's waaaaay easier on you than chugging that crazy Neo Citran stuff I used to love when sick as a child.

1 inch piece of fresh ginger
1 very small pinch of cayenne
1 lemon

Roughly chop the ginger into large pieces - you can peel it first if it seems to need it. Put this in a medium saucepan with about 6 cups of water. Add a very small pinch of cayenne - one halfhearted shake from the spice bottle. Bring to a boil then reduce to medium and continue to gently boil, uncovered, for at least  a half-hour. The liquid will reduce. At the half-hour mark you can take out a mug full, add the juice from 1/3 of a lemon, and enjoy. Add a couple more cups of water to the pot and keep boiling it, for tea that keeps on giving all afternoon! Just add lemon to your cup as needed. You can get at least 3 rounds out of the same ginger, and may just need to tip in a tiny bit more cayenne as you go. You can also cool down your leftovers for a refreshing cold drink later.

This is the best thing for that tickly-throat, chilly type of cold. It also makes your house smell good!


  1. Hi Sara! I love your blog! Also I'd love to see your garden! The pictures are so inspiring!
    Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks Simone, my first comment ever!
